English-Swedish translations for narrow

  • smal
    Vägen till fred är smal, och det är också Europas väg i denna region.The path towards peace is narrow and Europe's role in this region is equally restricted. Geografiskt utgör republiken Moldova en smal remsa mellan Ukraina och Rumänien.Geographically, Moldova is a narrow strip of land between Ukraine and Romania. Ett tillslutet företag fattar sina beslut endast på en mycket smal kunskapsbas.A business that cuts itself off will be taking its decisions on a very narrow basis.
  • begränsad
    De har bara lagt fram en ensidig lösning och en begränsad förteckning.They have come up with only a unilateral solution and a narrow list. Men kultur i ordets mer begränsade innebörd måste också omfattas.But culture in the narrower sense of the term also needs to be addressed. För det första är jag bekymrad över bristen på perspektiv och den begränsade fokuseringen.Firstly, I am concerned about the lack of perspective and the narrowness of the focus.
  • långsmal
  • trång
    Det vore internationellt sett vårdslöst att försöka bygga en kustterminal vid Žavlje (Aquilinia) i Triestebukten som redan är extremt trång.It is using international deception to attempt to build an onshore terminal at Žavlje (Aquilinia) in the Gulf of Trieste, which is already extremely narrow. Jag hoppas att realismen ska öppna våra ögon och att vi äntligen ska se hur trång den ram som begränsar våra handlingar är som en följd av sakernas naturliga tillstånd.I hope that realism will open our eyes and that we will finally be able to see the narrowness of the framework within which our actions are confined, by the very nature of things. Det är trångt hemma hos mig; om alla ska få plats vore det bättre att hyra en lokal.
  • trångsyntMen vi får inte tappa bort oss i en period av trångsynt självrannsakan.But we must not get lost in a period of narrow introspection. Att se det på något annat sätt är trångsynt och ganska småsint.Looking at this any other way is narrow-minded and a little petty. Europeiska unionen får inte uppträda trångsynt eller kortsiktigt.The European Union should not behave in a narrow-minded or short-sighted manner.

Definition of narrow

  • Having a small width; not wide; having opposite edges or sides that are close, especially by comparison to length or depth
  • Of little extent; very limited; circumscribed
  • Restrictive; without flexibility or latitude
  • Contracted; of limited scope; bigoted
  • Having a small margin or degree
  • Limited as to means; straitened
  • Parsimonious; niggardly; covetous; selfish
  • Scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact
  • Formed by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate; or by a tense condition of the pharynx; distinguished from wide
  • A narrow passage, especially a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water
  • To reduce in width or extent; to contract
  • To get narrower
  • To partially lower one's eyelids in a way usually taken to suggest a defensive, aggressive or penetrating look
  • To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one


  • a narrow hallway
  • a narrow interpretation
  • a narrow mind
  • narrow views
  • a narrow escape
  • The Republicans won by a narrow majority
  • narrow circumstances
  • the Narrows of New York harbor
  • We need to narrow the search.
  • The road narrows.
  • He stepped in front of me, narrowing his eyes to slits.
  • She wagged her finger in his face, and her eyes narrowed.
  • to narrow an int variable to a short variable

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