Finnish-English translations for pulma
- conundrum
- dilemmaWe are confronted here with a dilemma. Meillä on edessämme hankala pulma. There is a dilemma here for us and cause for concern. Siinäpä meille vaikea pulma ja huolenaihe ratkaistavaksi. That is the dilemma in which we find ourselves, so to speak. Se on niin sanoakseni pulma, joka meillä on.
- fixHe fixed me with a sickly grin, and said, "I told you it wouldnt work!"A dab of chewing gum will fix your note to the bulletin board.A leech can fix itself to your skin without you feeling it.
- knotOne knot that we still have to cut concerns pay. Yksi pulma, joka meidän on vielä selvitettävä, koskee palkkausta. Climbers must make sure that all knots are both secure and of types that will not weaken the rope.The nurse was brushing knots from the protesting childs hair.
- mattervegetable matterHe always took some reading matter with him on the planeWhats the matter?; state matters
- puzzleWhere he went after he left the house is a be in a puzzleWe puzzled over the curious-shaped lock, but were unable to discover how the key should be inserted.
- quandary
- snagBe careful not to snag your stockings on that concrete bench!The steamboat was snagged on the Mississippi River in 1862We snagged for spoonbill from the eastern shore of the Mississippi River
- thingBacon pie? Is that a thing?Hold on, let me just grab my thingsget me a thing of apple juice at the store; I just ate a whole thing of jelly beans
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