English-German translations for official

  • amtlichDies wird in Änderungsantrag 21 zum Vorschlag über amtliche Kontrollen deutlich. This is reflected in Amendment No 21 to the proposal on official controls. Das amtliche Europa wäre gut beraten, solche Signale etwas ernster zu nehmen. Official Europe would do well to take those signals a little more seriously. Nichtsdestotrotz hält das amtliche Europa daran fest, dass die Verhandlungen fortgesetzt werden sollen. Despite all this, official Europe insists that the negotiations be continued.
  • offiziell
    Dies ist der offizielle Standpunkt. That is the official position. Das ist die offizielle Position Finnlands. That is Finland's official position. Im Land herrscht offizielle Ideologie. Official ideology rules in the country.
  • Beamterder
    Er hat diese Rolle als Beamter der Europäischen Union gespielt. He has played his proper part as a European official. Ein weiteres schwieriges Feld stellt die Ernennung hochrangiger Beamter dar. Another difficult area is the appointment of senior officials. Unglaublich, dass nicht ein einziger Beamter für diese Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen wurde! Incredibly, not a single official has been held responsible for these acts.
  • BeamtindieFrüher, noch vor einigen Jahren, nahm eine Beamtin des Rates regelmäßig an den Ausschußsitzungen teil. In the past, a few years ago, an official from the Council used to attend the committee regularly. Diese Beamtin sollte daran erinnert werden, dass das Parlament die Kommission überwacht und nicht umgekehrt. This official should be reminded that it is Parliament that oversees the Commission, and not the other way around. Voraussetzung ist, das die Beamtin/der Beamte mindest 50 Jahre alt und mindestens 10 Jahre im Dienst ist. It is conditional on the official being at least 50 years of age and having been in service for at least ten years.
  • dienstlich
  • FunktionärderNur die Funktionäre wären schockiert. It is only government officials who would be hard hit. Mein Dank geht auch an alle Funktionäre, die uns unterstützt haben. My thanks also go to all the officials who were of assistance to us. Und ein Khatami-naher hochrangiger Funktionär hatte sogar den Nerv, diese zu loben. And a top official close to Khatami even had the nerve to praise them.
  • Schiedsrichterder
  • Schiedsrichterindie
  • spruchreif

Definition of official

  • Of or pertaining to an office or public trust
  • Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority
  • Approved by authority; authorized
  • Sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; officinal
  • Discharging an office or function
  • Relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant
  • True, real, beyond doubt
  • An office holder invested with powers and authorities.not limited to government--
  • A person responsible for applying the rules of a game or sport in a competition


  • official duties
  • an official statement or report
  • The Official Strategy Guide
  • Despite these testimonies, "accidental asphyxiation" remains his official cause of death.
  • an official drug or preparation
  • Well, its official: you lost your mind!
  • David Barnes was the official charged with the running of the sports club
  • Last year, Yulong Snow Mountain park officials reported that 2.6 million visitors came to the mountain
  • In most soccer games there are three officials: the referee and two linesmen

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