English-Lithuanian translations for give

  • atiduotiIr tuomet turėsime dar kartą atiduoti iniciatyvą politikams į rankas. And then we shall have to give politics free rein once more. Viskas, ką galėjau pasiūlyti, tai atiduoti jį anytai. I was reduced to suggesting that she give it to her mother-in-law. Sprendimas - nacionalizuoti monopolijas ir atiduoti valdžią žmonėms. The solution is to nationalise the monopolies and give power to the people.
  • davėAr davėme man visus reikiamus išteklius? Did you give me all the resources I need? Mes davėme Europai Lisabonos sutartį, ir ši Sutartis suteikia piliečiams daugiau Europos. We have given Europe the Treaty of Lisbon, and this treaty gives the citizens more of Europe.
  • dovanoja
  • dovanojo
  • dovanotiNeturime pinigų, kuriuos galėtume dovanoti. We do not have money to give away.
  • duodaVengrų patarlsako, kad tas, kas duoda greitai, duoda dvigubai. A Hungarian proverb says he who gives quickly gives twice. Kaip sako lenkų patarlė: "kas duoda greitai, duoda dvigubai". As the Polish proverb says: 'He who gives quickly gives twice.' Yra toks čekiškas posakis: "Kas duoda greitai, tas duoda dukart". We have a saying in Czech that 'he who gives quickly gives twice'.
  • duotiAtminkite: duoti greitai reiškia duoti dvigubai. Remember: to give quickly is to give double. Norėčiau duoti vieną patarimą. Let me give you a piece of advice. Mūsų užduotis užtikrinti šį saugumą ligoniams. It is our task to give patients this security.
  • mokaNyderlandai moka 15 euro centų, o JungtinKaralyst- 4 euro centus. The Netherlands gives 15 euro cents and the UK 4 euro cents. Belgija savo geležinkeliams moka 32 euro centus už vieną kilometrą, tenkantį vienam keleiviui. Belgium gives 32 euro cents per passenger/kilometre to its railways. ES kiekvienais metais Europos cukrinių runkelių augintojams moka milijonus eurų taikydama tiesiogines išmokas ir intervenciją. The respirator, now the EU, each year gives millions of euros in direct aid and intervention to European sugar growers.
  • mokėjo
  • mokėtiKomisijos siunčiama žinia turėtų būti tiksli ir aiški: finansinių sandorių mokestį privalo mokėti visi. The Commission should give a precise and clear signal about the fact that the transaction tax must be paid by everyone.
  • surengtiJeigu ES politikai nori naujos Sutarties, pirmiausia jie turi surengti žmonėms referendumą. If EU politicians want a new treaty, they must first give the people a referendum. Mes galėtume surengti svarstymą, jei Taryba atsisakytų savo pozicijos dėl Europos priežiūros tvarkos. We can do it at one reading, as long as the Council gives up its opposition to a European supervisory regime. Pirmiausia turime surengti diskusijas dėl PVM ateities, per kurias išryškėtų, kokie turėtų būti Komisijos prioritetai. We will first need to have the debate on the future of VAT, which will give a clear idea on the priorities for the Commission.
  • teikėKai įmanoma, perduodu bylas tiesiogiai arba duodu tinkamą patarimą skundo teikėjui. When possible, I transfer cases directly or give suitable advice to the complainant. Ne paslaptis, kad besiverždami į globalizuotą pasaulį, prioritetą teikėme saviems interesams ir vertybėms. It is no secret that in the race to a globalised world we have sought to give preference to our own interests and values. Jei mes šešis - devynis milijardus nurašysime į nuostolius ir jei bandysime įgyvendinti šį modelį, tai prognozių teikėjai visada bus teisūs. If we give up six to nine billion, and if we follow this model, then the anticipators will clearly always be right.
  • teikiaEsu tikras, kad jos jums teikia kur kas mažesnį malonumą, nei mums. I am sure it gives you much less pleasure than it gives us. Gerb. pirmininke, ES trečiajam pasauliui teikia didžiausią pagalbą. Mr President, the EU gives the most in financial aid to the third world. Todėl Komisija teikia aiškią paramą bendrai pozicijai. The Commission therefore gives its definite support to the common position.
  • teiktiAntrąją dovaną norėčiau įteikti J. Barrotui. I would like to give my second present to Mr Barrot. Įprasta tendencija yra teikti pirmenybę ekonominei politikai. The usual trend is to give priority to the economic policy. Privalome vaikams ir jaunimui teikti tinkamą paramą. We must give the right support to children and young people.

Definition of give

  • To move, shift, provide something abstract or concrete to someone or something or somewhere
  • To estimate or predict for (something
  • To yield slightly when a force is applied
  • To collapse under pressure or force. merge with preceding!!! --
  • To provide, as, a service or a broadcast
  • To lead (onto or into
  • To provide a view of. W1913--
  • To exhibit as a product or result; to produce; to yield
  • To cause; to make; used with the infinitive
  • To cause to have; produce in ; effectuate
  • To allow or admit by way of supposition; to concede
  • To attribute; to assign; to adjudge
  • To communicate or announce ; to pronounce or utter (an opinion, a judgment, a shout, etc
  • To grant power or permission to; to allow
  • To devote or apply (oneself
  • To become soft or moist
  • To shed tears; to weep
  • To have a misgiving
  • To be going on, to be occurring but is this only in "what gives"?--
  • The amount of bending that something undergoes when a force is applied to it; a tendency to yield under pressure; resilence


  • I gave him my coat
  • I gave my coat to the beggar
  • When they asked, I gave my coat
  • Im going to give my wife a necklace for her birthday
  • She gave a pair of shoes to her husband for their anniversary
  • He gives of his energies to the organization
  • I gave him my word that Id protect his children
  • I gave them permission to miss tomorrows class
  • Please give me some more time
  • It gives me a lot of pleasure to be here tonight
  • The fence gave me an electric shock
  • My mother-in-law gives me nothing but grief
  • I want to give you a kiss
  • She gave him a hug
  • Id like to give the tire a kick
  • I gave the boy a push on the swing
  • She gave me a wink afterwards, so I knew she was joking
  • Give me your hand
  • On entering the house, he gave his coat to the doorman
  • My boyfriend gave me chlamydia
  • He was convinced that it was his alcoholism that gave him cancer
  • I give it ten minutes before he gives up
  • I give it a 95% chance of success
  • Ill give their marriage six months
  • One pillar gave, then more, and suddenly the whole floor pancaked onto the floor below
  • Theyre giving my favorite show!
  • The master bedroom gives onto a spacious balcony
  • His window gave the park.
  • The number of men, divided by the number of ships, gives four hundred to each ship.
  • He can be bad-tempered, Ill give you that, but hes a hard worker.
  • The umpire finally gave his decision: the ball was out.
  • The soldiers give themselves to plunder.
  • That boy is given to fits of bad temper.
  • What gives?
  • This chair doesnt have much give.
  • There is no give in his dogmatic religious beliefs.

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