English-Polish translations for lead

  • prowadzićTylko to prowadzić będzie do postępu! Only that will lead to progress! Może to prowadzić do podwójnych standardów. This could lead to double standards. Myślę, że może on prowadzić jedynie do długotrwałych nadużyć. I think it can only lead to long-term abuse.
  • kierowaćUważam, że musimy wyraźnie powiedzieć, iż nie można kierować Internetu w taki ślepy zaułek. I think that we should have been very clear that it must not be permitted to lead the internet down such a blind alley. To pomogło poprzednim rządom, a także pana rządowi, kierować kampanią na rzecz politycznej i ambitnej Europy. It has enabled previous governments and also your own government to lead the campaign for a political and ambitious Europe. Strony te kierować będą działaniami mającymi na celu ustanowienie euroregionu posiadającego władze, wspierającego ambitną współpracę europejską stanowiącą przykład rewitalizacji. They will take the lead in establishing a Euro-region with government bodies which will promote ambitious European cooperation serving as an example of re-generation.
  • ołówMój poprzednik, Louis Michel, udał się do Gazy bezpośrednio po przeprowadzeniu operacji "ciekły ołów”. My predecessor, Louis Michel, went to Gaza immediately after Operation Cast Lead.
  • biec
  • doprowadzać
  • dowodzić
  • lead"Do not go where the path may lead. 'Do not go where the path may lead.
  • lid
  • liderować
  • pokazywać
  • pomagaćMożemy pomagać tylko na tym etapie podróży, który prowadzi do demokracji w Turcji. Only that part of the journey that leads towards a democratic Turkey can be supported.
  • poprowadzićKomisja musi być u steru i poprowadzić ten proces. The Commission must take the driving seat and lead this process. Czy sądzi pan, że może pan poprowadzić skok od Europy rynkowej do Europy politycznej? Do you think you can lead the jump from market Europe to political Europe? W jaki sposób chce pan poprowadzić Europę ścieżką proeuropejską, skoro zawiera pan tego rodzaju sojusze? How can you lead Europe in a pro-European way if you enter into alliances of this kind?
  • prowadzenieNa pierwszy rzut oka wydaje się, że Parlament do pewnego stopnia objął prowadzenie. At first glance I would say that Parliament to some extent leads the way. Rolą kościoła rzymskokatolickiego jest prowadzenie wiernych, a nie bycie prowadzonym. It is the role of the Roman Catholic Church to lead the faithful, not to be led. Raczej powinni oni aktywnie zaangażować się w prowadzenie swojego kraju w kierunku lepszej przyszłości. They should, rather, engage proactively to lead their country towards a better future.
  • prowadzić się
  • przeprowadzaćPozwoliłoby ono efektywniej planować i przeprowadzać różnorodne operacje, a uniknięcie powielania wysiłków ograniczyłoby też koszty.Such a centre would enable us to both plan and execute diverse operations more efficiently. In addition, avoiding duplication of work would also lead to cost savings.
  • przewodniczyćCzas na działanie. Unia Europejska może przewodniczyć tej kampanii na rzecz sprawiedliwszego globalnego opodatkowania. It is time for action and the EU can lead this campaign for global fairer taxation. Najwyraźniej chce pan przewodniczyć Komisji Unii Europejskiej liczącej 500 milionów ludzi. You clearly want to lead the Commission of a European Union that numbers 500 million people. Co się wydarzyło i czy Szwecja chce przewodniczyć w przyszłości w zakresie równości szans? What has happened, and does Sweden want to lead the way in the future on equal-opportunities issues?
  • przewodzićPowinniśmy przewodzić w tym względzie. We should take the lead in that regard. Myślę, że możemy przewodzić wysiłkom na wiele sposobów. I believe there are a lot of ways in which we can lead. Zakładam, że Komisja będzie przewodzić tej pracy. I assume that the Commission will take the lead in this work.
  • rysik
  • smycz
  • wieśćEuropa oraz UE powinny i muszą wieść prym. Europe and the EU should and must take the lead.
  • wprowadzićPonadto nie zapominajmy o tym, że sama Unia powinna wprowadzić te działania i powinna stanowić wzór dla innych. Also, let us not forget that the EU needs to deliver here at home and to lead by example. Unia Europejska powinna wprowadzić politykę rzeczywistego wspierania procesów demokratycznych i odgrywać w tym względzie główną rolę. The EU should introduce a policy for genuinely supporting the democratic process and should play a leading role in this matter. Chcemy tego nadal, ale w tym celu powinni panowie wprowadzić kilka zmian i niezwłocznie zająć się przewodzeniem Unii. We want to continue doing so, but for that you need to make some adjustments and you need to get on with leading the Union right away.
  • wskazywaćUnia Europejska musi podnosić świadomość w tym zakresie i, w razie konieczności, wskazywać drogę.The European Union must raise awareness of this issue and lead the way if necessary.
  • wysforować
  • zaprowadzićObecne kryzysy pokazują dokąd może nas to zaprowadzić. The recent crises show where this can lead us.

Definition of lead

  • A heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished; both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic number 82, symbol Pb (from Latin ''plumbum''
  • A thin strip of type metal, used to separate lines of type in printing
  • Sheets or plates of lead used as a covering for roofs
  • A thin cylinder of black lead or plumbago used in pencils
  • To cover, fill, or affect with lead
  • To place leads between the lines of
  • ''To guide#Verb|guide or conduct#Verb|conduct.''
  • To guide or conduct, as by accompanying, going before, showing, influencing, directing with authority, etc.; to have precedence or preeminence; to be first or chief; — used in most of the senses of the transitive verb
  • To draw or direct by influence, whether good or bad; to prevail on; to induce; to entice; to allure
  • To tend or reach in a certain direction, or to a certain place
  • To produce (with ''to''
  • The act of leading or conducting; guidance; direction, course
  • Precedence; advance position; also, the measure of precedence; the state of being ahead in a race; the highest score in a game in an incomplete game
  • An insulated metallic wire for electrical devices and equipment
  • The act or right of playing first in a game or round; the card suit, or piece, so played
  • The main role in a play or film; the lead role
  • The actor who plays the main role; lead actor
  • A lode
  • A rope, leather strap, or similar device with which to lead an animal; a leash
  • Charging lead.
  • The action of a tooth, such as a tooth of a wheel, in impelling another tooth or a pallet
  • Information obtained by a detective or police officer that allows him or her to discover further details about a crime or incident
  • Potential opportunity for a sale or transaction, a potential customer
  • Information obtained by a news reporter about an issue or subject that allows him or her to discover more details
  • A teaser; a lead-in; the start of a newspaper column, telling who, what, when, where, why and how. (Sometimes spelled as lede for this usage to avoid ambiguity
  • The axial distance a screw thread travels in one revolution. It is equal to the pitch times the number of starts
  • The announcement by one voice part of a theme to be repeated by the other parts
  • The excess above a right angle in the angle between two consecutive cranks, as of a compound engine, on the same shaft
  • The advance of the current phase in an alternating circuit beyond that of the electromotive force producing it
  • Foremost
  • main, principal


  • This copy has too much lead; I prefer less space between the lines
  • They pumped him full of lead
  • continuous firing leads the grooves of a rifle
  • to lead a page
  • leaded matter
  • a father leads a child; a jockey leads a horse with a halter; a dog leads a blind man
  • The guide was able to lead the tourists through the jungle safely
  • A good teacher should lead their students to the right answer
  • to lead a political party
  • to lead the search team
  • The evidence leads me to believe he is guilty
  • the big sloop led the fleet of yachts; the Guards led the attack; Demosthenes leads the orators of all ages
  • to lead trumps
  • He led the ace of spades
  • The batter always leads off base
  • to lead someone to a righteous cause
  • the path leads to the mill; gambling leads to other vices
  • The shock led to a change in his behaviour
  • to take the lead
  • to be under the lead of another
  • the white horse had the lead
  • to be in the lead
  • She lost the lead
  • Smith managed to extend her lead over the second place to half a second
  • The runner took his lead from first
  • your partner has the lead
  • The investigation stalled when all leads turned out to be dead ends
  • The police have a couple of leads they will follow to solve the case
  • Joe is a great addition to our sales team, he has numerous leads in the paper industry
  • The contestants are all tied; no one has the lead position
  • the lead guitarist
  • lead trumpet

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