English-Estonian translations for Liverpool
- LiverpoolTegelikult põhjustab see väikeettevõtete sulgemise Liverpoolis ja Manchesteris - tema enda valimisringkonnas. In effect, what it will be doing is putting small firms in Liverpool and Manchester - in his own constituency - out of business. Proua juhataja, see raport annab mulle võimaluse mainida Liverpooli linna, mis kuulub minu valimisringkonda. Madam President, this is a report that gives me the opportunity to mention the City of Liverpool, which is in my constituency. Ma saan rääkida Kirde-Inglismaa nimel ja öelda, kui väga need rahalised vahendid on toonud kasu Liverpooli linnale, eriti viimase 10 aasta jooksul. I can speak for North-West England and say how very much these funds have benefited the city of Liverpool, in particular, over the last 10 years.
Definition of Liverpool
- ; an important seaport in the United Kingdom, and once one of the biggest in the world
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