English-Estonian translations for guest
- külalineTegelikult oli Mugabe 1980ndatel koos Gaddafiga Ceauşescu' sage külaline. In actual fact, in the 1980s, Mugabe was a regular guest of Ceauşescu's, along with Gaddafi. Esimene külaline, kes pöördus Euroopa Parlamendi poole Euroopa kultuuridevahelise dialoogi aasta raames oli jaanuaris ülemuftit Damaskusest. The first guest to address the European Parliament as part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue was the Grand Mufti of Damascus in January. Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistani esimene vähemuste asjade minister, on viimasel nädalal Euroopa Rahvapartei (kristlike demokraatide) fraktsiooni külaline olnud. Shahbaz Bhatti, the first minister for minority affairs in Pakistan's history, has this past week been a guest of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats).
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