English-Estonian translations for hamper
- segama
- takistamaSee ei peaks aga takistama uusi algatusi ning peaks olema reisijate huvides. It should not, however, hamper new initiatives and should be in passengers' interests. Austades ELi põhimõtteid ja õigusakte, peame edendama, mitte takistama loomingulisust ja paindlikkust kohalikul, piirkondlikul ja riiklikul tasandil. With all due respect for EU principles and legislation, we must promote and not hamper creativeness and flexibility at local, regional and national level. Kuidas me saame saavutada rahvatervise tõusu samal ajal Euroopa toiduainetetööstuse tehnoloogilist arengut takistama? Where can we achieve a substantial gain in terms of public health but at the same time not hamper the technological development of European food production?
Definition of hamper
- A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles or small animals
- A wicker or plastic basket specifically for holding laundry , as opposed to a covered wicker basket which is a true hamper
- To put into a hamper
- To put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle
- To impede in motion or progress
- A shackle; a fetter; anything which impedes
- a hamper of wine
- a clothes hamper
- an oyster hamper, which contains two bushels
- Competition pigeons are hampered for the truck trip to the point of release where the race back starts
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