English-Estonian translations for mathematics
- matemaatikaErilist tähelepanu tuleb pöörata lugemise, matemaatika ja loodusteaduste alastele põhioskustele. Specific emphasis should be put on basic skills in reading, mathematics and science. Matemaatikas on 10 parima seas ainult kolm ELi liikmesriiki ja ükski neist ei ole parima viie seas. In the field of mathematics, only three EU countries figure in the top 10, and none are in the top five. 2006. aastal sai Euroopa Liidu 27 liikmesriigi kõrgkoolides matemaatika, teaduse ja tehnoloogia alal ülikoolidiplomi ligikaudu 200 000 tudengit rohkem kui 2000. aastal. In 2006, there were in the EU-27 about 200 000 more mathematics, science and technology graduates than in 2000.
Definition of mathematics
- An abstract representational system used in the study of numbers, shapes, structure, change and the relationships between these concepts
- A person's ability to count, calculate, and use different systems of mathematics at differing levels
- My mathematics is always improving.
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