English-Danish translations for break

  • pauseSå bør der være en pause, men kun en sommerpause. There would then be a break, but just for the summer recess. Vi har også indført fleksibilitet i forbindelse med pauserne. We have also introduced flexibility to the breaks. 12.00. Før det vil der muligvis være en kort pause, hvis vi er tidligt færdige med drøftelserne. Before that, there may be a short break, if we finish the discussion early.
  • ødelægge
    Det var hensigten at splitte og ødelægge fagforeningen Solidaritet. This was intended to break up and destroy the Solidarity trade union. Formålet med den anden form for tortur er helt åbenlyst at ødelægge og knække mennesker. The other form of torture quite clearly seeks to destroy and break people. Når grundlaget for et lovligt system ødelægges, bryder strukturerne sammen en for en. When the basis of the legal system is destroyed the structures break up one by one.
  • brudEt brud, som er ventet af alle sande europæere. It is a break that all genuine Europeans are waiting for. Konventets oprettelse er et bevidst brud med fortiden. The Convention approach is a deliberate break with the past. Det, der var brug for, var derfor et brud med disse politikker. As a result, what was needed was a break with these policies.
  • brydeDen skal vi bryde i fællesskab. Together, we have to break it. Det er på tide at bryde den cyklus. It is time to break this cycle. Hvordan kan vi bryde den onde cirkel? How can we break the vicious circle?
  • brække
  • gå i stykkerProdukter kan gå i stykker eller lække, og så kommer der alligevel kviksølv i miljøet. Products may break or leak, so that mercury ends up in the environment anyway. Barometre kan gå i stykker eller blive utætte, så kviksølv havner i miljøet. Barometers may break or leak, so that mercury ends up in the environment anyway.
  • gå itu
  • knuseFor det første er man, som man siger i Grækenland, nødt til at knuse æg for at lave en omelet. First, we have a saying in my country, that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. Dette organ har således haft held til at knuse og anholde omkring femten netværk om året. This body has succeeded in breaking up and halting the activities of around fifteen criminal networks per year. Den Europæiske Union udnyttes som rambuk for imperialismen, for de multinationale, til at knuse befolkningernes oprør, knuse deres kamp for en bedre fremtid. The European Union is being used by imperialists and multinationals as a battering ram to break the people' s resistance and make them give up their fight for a better tomorrow.
  • knækkeAfskåret fra omverdenen prøver Vientiane at knække dette folk. Cut off from the outside world, Vientiane is trying to break this people. Formålet med den anden form for tortur er helt åbenlyst at ødelægge og knække mennesker. The other form of torture quite clearly seeks to destroy and break people. Det vil ikke lykkes det kinesiske regime at knække denne bevægelse. The Chinese régime' s objective of breaking this movement will not succeed.
  • smadreDet er et spørgsmål om at smadre en rude for derefter at stikke af. It is a matter of breaking the windows and running away. Jeg vil dog gerne bede ham om ikke at smadre en computer i hovedet på mig, for i så fald vil jeg ikke længere kunne afgive stemmeforklaring. Truly, however, I would beg him not to break a computer over my head because that would be the end of my explanations of vote. I den nye liberalismes navn ønsker EU's højrefløjskræfter at knuse og smadre gode uddannelsessystemer og det gode socialsikringssystem. In the name of the new liberalism, the EU's right-wing forces want to break and crush good educational systems and the good social security system.
  • åbningDerfor er privatiseringer af så afgørende betydning for en åbning og liberalisering af denne fastlåste økonomi. That is why privatisations are crucial to break open and liberalise this encrusted economy. Endelig er tvungen åbning af national offentlig eller halvoffentlig forsyningsvirksomhed for store udenlandske udbydere af det onde. Finally, the forced break-up of the national and semi-public provisions for the sake of large foreign suppliers is fundamentally wrong.
  • afbrud
  • break13 pacifistiske grupper, herunder f.eks. Betlehem og Breaking the Silence, er ofre for en veritabel heksejagt. Thirteen pacifist groups, such as Bethlehem and Breaking the Silence, are the victims of a veritable witch-hunt. Man skal blot lytte til israelske soldater, der ved lejlighed har indrømmet deres tvivlsomme aktiviteter over for organisationen Breaking the Silence. You only have to listen to Israeli soldiers who admit to their dubious activities on occasions in the organisation 'Breaking the Silence'.
  • bryde sammenHavnearbejderne kan miste deres job, sikkerhedssystemerne kan bryde sammen, og hele sikkerheden vil blive bragt i fare. Dockers could lose their jobs, the security systems could break down and the safety issue would be jeopardised. Hvis vi gerne vil forhindre EU i at bryde sammen, er vi faktisk nødt til at have noget i stil med en forfatning for Europa. If we want to prevent this Europe from breaking apart, we actually need something like a Constitution for Europe. Gør det klart, at man vil have en "lås", og at man vil forhindre den slags opportunisme, som i sidste ende vil få Schengenaftalen til at bryde sammen. Make it clear that you will have a lock and you will prevent that type of opportunism which will in the end break Schengen.
  • degradere
  • deleHvad skal vi stille op med kravet om at dele Makedonien (eller bør det stadig hedde Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien)? What indeed will we do about the demand to break up Macedonia (or should that still be FYROM)? I Europa overtræder ca. to ud af tre chauffører hastighedsbegrænsningen i tætbebyggede områder, og halvdelen overtræder hastighedsbegrænsningerne på vejene. Around two out of every three drivers in Europe go over the speed limit in built-up areas and half break the speed limit on the open road. Det andet punkt er, at vi advarer imod at bryde dette samlede kompromis op og begynde at plukke enkelte dele ud af traktaten og splitte den ad. The second point I should like to raise is that we would caution against breaking up this global compromise and cherry-picking or dismantling this Treaty.
  • holde pause
  • hulDet er en slags væskende svulst, som der går hul på fra tid til anden. Det er også tilfældet nu. What we are dealing with here is a sort of suppurating swelling that breaks out from time to time. Det kan Det Europæiske Fællesskab ikke; det er henvist til, at Rådet eller de enkelte medlemsstater gør det. Og det er netop her, der er et hul og en revne i systemet. The European Community cannot do that; it has to rely on the Council, on the individual Member States, to do it, and that is precisely where the system breaks down.
  • kontra
  • krænkeHer krænkes etiske dæmninger og tabuer på uansvarlig vis. It is the irresponsible breaking of ethical dams and taboos. Ingen demokratisk stat kan krænke folkeretten uden at skulle retfærdiggøre sine handlinger. No democratic state can dare to break international law without having to justify its actions. De skal have mulighed for at skabe nyt, skrive og udvikle kodestrenge og producere softwareprocesser uden at krænke eller overtræde patentretten. They must be able to innovate, write and develop lines of code and produce software processes without violating or breaking patent law.
  • ruinere
  • sønderslå
  • veksleDen enkelte skal livet igennem veksle mellem erhvervsaktivitet og uddannelse, uden uønskede afbrydelser. Throughout his or her life, the individual must alternate between work and training, moving from one to the other without any unwanted break.

Definition of break


  • If the vase falls to the floor, it might break
  • In order to tend to the accident victim, he will break the window of the car
  • His ribs broke under the weight of the rocks piled on his chest
  • She broke her neck
  • He slipped on the ice and broke his leg
  • Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?
  • The wholesaler broke the container loads into palettes and boxes for local retailers
  • Her childs death broke Angela
  • Interrogators have used many forms of torture to break prisoners of war
  • The interrogator hoped to break her to get her testimony against her accomplices
  • You have to break an elephant before you can use it as an animal of burden
  • My heart is breaking
  • Ive got to break this habit I have of biting my nails
  • to break silence; to break ones sleep; to break ones journey
  • I had won four games in a row, but now youve broken my streak of luck
  • The recession broke some small businesses
  • When you go to Vancouver, promise me you wont break the law
  • He broke his vows by cheating on his wife
  • break ones word
  • Time travel would break the laws of physics
  • Susans fever broke at about 3 AM, and the doctor said the worst was over.
  • The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek
  • We ran to find shelter before the storm broke
  • Around midday the storm broke, and the afternoon was calm and sunny
  • Morning has broken
  • The day broke crisp and clear
  • Changing the rules to let white have three extra queens would break chess
  • I broke the RPG by training every member of my party to cast fireballs as well as use swords
  • On the hottest day of the year the refrigerator broke
  • Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?
  • Adding 64-bit support broke backward compatibility with earlier versions
  • break a seal
  • The cavalry were not able to break the British squares
  • Lets break for lunch
  • He survived the jump out the window because the bushes below broke his fall
  • The newsman wanted to break a big story, something that would make him famous
  • I dont know how to break this to you, but your cat is not coming back
  • In the latest breaking news
  • When news of their divorce broke
  • His coughing broke the silence
  • His turning on the lights broke the enchantment
  • With the mood broken, what we had been doing seemed pretty silly
  • Things began breaking bad for him when his parents died
  • The arrest was standard, when suddenly the suspect broke ugly
  • His voice breaks when he gets emotional
  • He broke the mens 100-meter record
  • I cant believe she broke 3 under par!
  • The policeman broke sixty on a residential street in his hurry to catch the thief
  • He needs to break serve to win the match
  • Is it your or my turn to break?
  • The referee ordered the boxers to break the clinch
  • The referee broke the boxers clinch
  • I couldnt hear a thing he was saying, so I broke the connection and called him back
  • to break flax
  • to break into a run or gallop
  • The femur has a clean break and so should heal easily
  • The sun came out in a break in the clouds
  • He waited minutes for a break in the traffic to cross the highway
  • Let’s take a five-minute break
  • a weekend break on the Isle of Wight
  • I think we need a break
  • big break
  • lucky break, bad break
  • [[daybreak
  • daybreak]]
  • at the break of day
  • make a break for it, for the door
  • It was a clean break
  • prison break
  • The final break in the Greenmount area is Kirra Point
  • The fiddle break was amazing; it was a pity the singer came back in on the wrong note
  • Crossing the break smoothly is one of the first lessons the young clarinettist needs to master

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