English-German translations for run

  • laufen
    Man sollte nicht laufen, bevor man gehen kann. Do not run before you can walk. Auch diese Maßnahme ist bereits am Laufen. This measure is also up and running. Diese Prozesse müssen deshalb parallel laufen. The processes must therefore run parallel.
  • rennen
    Sie wollen mit den Hunden jagen und mit den Hasen rennen. They want to hunt with the hounds and to run with the hare. Unsere Kosten für die Sicherheitspolitik rennen quasi dem Zeitrahmen davon. Our costs for security policy are running almost according to the time frame. Ansonsten, glaube ich, werden wir immer wieder in die gleiche Sackgasse rennen. Otherwise, I think we shall be running into the same dead end again and again.
  • kandidierenIm Hintergrund steht da auch die Ankündigung von Mugabe, nun möglicherweise noch einmal zu kandidieren. This is against the background of Robert Mugabe's announcement that he may now run for office again. Wie Frau Beer sagte, wurden, wenn für die 290 Sitze 7 000 Bewerber kandidieren können, bereits zu viele Kandidaten abgelehnt. As Ms Beer said, if 7 000 candidates can run for 290 seats, too many candidates have already been rejected. Das sind Schwänzer, und sie sollen sich überlegen, ob sie noch einmal für das Europäische Parlament kandidieren. They are shirkers, and should give some thought to whether they wish to run for the European Parliament once again.
  • abfärben
  • AbkommendasAlle Abkommen laufen bereits seit Monaten. All the agreements have already been running for six months. Es läuft den Sicherheits- und Menschenrechtsaspekten des Abkommens völlig zuwider. It runs counter to the security and humanitarian aspects of the agreement. Ich habe im Moment den Eindruck, dass vielen Kritikern im Augenblick die Gegenargumente gegen das ACTA-Abkommen ausgehen. My impression at the moment is that many critics are running out of arguments against the ACTA agreement.
  • ablaufen
    Es hat seinen Wert in vielen Ländern unter Beweis gestellt, wo die Operationen reibungslos ablaufen. It has proved its worth in many countries where operations run smoothly. Sie sollten die Kanaren besuchen und sich anschauen, wie die Operationen im Hafen ablaufen, bevor sie voreilig Änderungsanträge stellen. They should visit the Canary Islands and see how the port operations run before tabling hasty amendments. Verbrennungsprozesse in der Industrie wie auch im Verkehr müssen vollständig ablaufen, um den Kohlenmonoxid-Ausstoß zu begrenzen. Combustion processes in both industry and transport will need to run their course in order to restrict the emission of carbon monoxide.
  • abrollen
  • abschwimmen
  • Andrangder
  • ausführen
    Alle haben ihre Redezeit überschritten, und sie haben alle das Gleiche gesagt, weshalb ich nur noch etwas zu den Abgaben ausführen möchte. Everyone has run over their time, and they have all said the same thing, so I just want to say something about taxes.
  • ausübendie
  • BahndieIn Belgien gehört die Bahn zu der Domäne der Sozialisten und wird schlecht verwaltet. In Belgium, the railways are a socialist domain and are badly run.
  • betreiben, Es ist nicht Sache der EU, Fluglinien zu betreiben. . It is not the business of the EU to run airlines. Wir können nicht einen einheitlichen Binnenmarkt ohne eine einheitliche Denkweise betreiben. We cannot run a single market without a single mindset. Es ist möglich, Europa vollständig mit nachhaltiger Energie zu betreiben. It is possible to run Europe entirely on sustainable power.
  • durchlaufIch weiß, welchen Stress ich Ihnen als Präsident bereitet habe, wenn ich Sachverhalte sehr schnell durchlaufe. I know the stress I have caused you as President by running through items very quickly.
  • eilen
    Auf dieser Basis abzustimmen - wir eilen der Mittagessenzeit entgegen und werden nicht zum Ende kommen - ist Unsinn. Having votes on this basis - we are running well into lunchtime and will not finish - is a nonsense.
  • fahren
    Mehr Pkw und Lkw sollten mit Biogas in den Tanks fahren können. More cars and lorries should be able to run on biogas. Zudem werden die Partikelemissionen verringert, und die Fahrzeuge fahren mit Gas im Tank leiser. In addition, particulate emissions are also reduced and cars run more quietly on gas. Und dann sind Sie in Gefahr, das, was an notwendigen Reformen gemacht werden muß, an die Wand zu fahren. Then you are in danger of seeing all the reforms that need to be made running into a brick wall.
  • fließen
    Tibet benötigt Strom, fließendes Wasser und Krankenhäuser. Tibet needs electricity, running water and hospitals. An die Hafenbetriebe fließen kräftige öffentliche Gelder. There are important financial channels that run from authorities to port companies. Der durch Straßburg fließende Wasserlauf war früher ein vergiftetes Gewässer und eine Grenze. The river running through Strasbourg used to be a poisoned watercourse, a barrier.
  • gehen
    Man sollte nicht laufen, bevor man gehen kann. Do not run before you can walk. An sich soll die Fragestunde doch bis 19.00 Uhr gehen. In principle, Question Time should run until 7.00 pm. Es muß dafür gesorgt werden, daß die Nahrungsmittel nicht zur Neige gehen. We have to take care that food supplies do not run out.
  • LaufderDie Kosten der Militäroperationen, die im Laufe einer Woche durchgeführt werden, reichen aus, um 6000 Schulen zu betreiben. The cost of just one week's operations is enough to run six thousand schools. Jetzt muss das normale Gesetzgebungsverfahren in den nächsten Monaten seinen Lauf nehmen. Now the normal legislative procedure must run its course over the coming months. Das Parlament sollte dem Rechtsprozess seinen Lauf lassen und es dem Gericht überlassen, zu einer richtigen Entscheidung zu kommen. Parliament should let the legal process run its course and allow the Court to reach a proper decision.
  • Laufmaschedie
  • loslaufen
  • preschen
  • rinnen
  • springen
  • überfahren
  • verkehrenIn Belgien zum Beispiel ist die Strecke zwischen Aachen und Liège damit ausgestattet und Intercity-Züge die auf dieser Strecke verkehren, sind damit ausgestattet. In Belgium, for example, the line between Aachen and Liège is equipped and intercity trains running on this line are equipped. In Belgien zum Beispiel ist die Strecke zwischen Aachen und Lüttich damit ausgestattet, und ICT-Züge, die auf dieser Strecke verkehren, sind ebenfalls damit ausgestattet. In Belgium, for example, the line between Aachen and Liège is equipped, and ICT trains running on this line are equipped as well.
  • verlaufen
    EU-Projekte verlaufen im Allgemeinen zögerlich. In general, European projects do not run smoothly. Das diesjährige Haushaltsverfahren ist bisher bemerkenswert reibungslos verlaufen. This has been a budget procedure which has so far run with remarkable smoothness. Der Rat ist der Auffassung, daß diese Maßnahmen völlig miteinander verbunden sind und parallel verlaufen sollten. The Council takes the view that these measures are inextricably linked and should run in parallel.

Definition of run

  • To move swiftly
  • To flow
  • To sail before the wind, in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled
  • To be a candidate in an election
  • To make run in a race or an election
  • To exert continuous activity; to proceed
  • To be presented in the media
  • To print or broadcast in the media
  • To smuggle (illegal goods
  • To sort through a large volume of produce in quality control
  • To extend or persist, statically or dynamically, through space or time
  • To execute or carry out a plan, procedure or program
  • To pass or go quickly in thought or conversation
  • To become different in a way mentioned (usually to become worse
  • To cost a large amount of money
  • Of stitches or stitched clothing, to unravel
  • To pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation
  • To cause to enter; to thrust
  • To drive or force; to cause, or permit, to be driven
  • To cause to be drawn; to mark out; to indicate; to determine
  • To encounter or incur (a danger or risk
  • To put at hazard; to venture; to risk
  • To tease with sarcasms and ridicule
  • To control or have precedence in a card game. is this used only with "table"?--
  • To be in form thus, as a combination of words
  • To be popularly known; to be generally received
  • To have growth or development
  • To tend, as to an effect or consequence; to incline
  • To have a legal course; to be attached; to continue in force, effect, or operation; to follow; to go in company
  • To encounter or suffer (a particular, usually bad, fate or misfortune
  • To strike in such a way as to cause it to run along the ground, as when approaching a hole
  • Act or instance of running, of moving rapidly using the feet
  • Act or instance of hurrying ; dash or errand, trip
  • A pleasure trip
  • Flight, instance or period of fleeing
  • Migration
  • A path taken by literal movement or figuratively
  • Unrestricted use.
  • An enclosure for an animal; a track or path along which something can travel
  • Rural landholding for farming, usually for running sheep, and operated by a runholder
  • Continuous or sequential
  • A flow of liquid; a leak
  • A small creek or part thereof.
  • A quick pace, faster than a walk
  • A sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals
  • Any sudden large demand for something
  • Various horizontal dimensions or surfaces
  • A standard or unexceptional group or category
  • A line of knit stitches that have unravelled, particularly in a nylon stocking
  • The stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward
  • A pair or set of millstones
  • In a liquid state; melted or molten
  • Cast in a mould
  • Exhausted; depleted
  • Smuggled


  • Run, Sarah, run!
  • The horse ran the length of the track
  • I have been running all over the building looking for him
  • Sorry, Ive got to run; my house is on fire
  • Every day I run my dog across the field and back
  • Ill just run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet
  • Run your fingers through my hair
  • Can you run these data through the program for me and tell me whether it gives an error?
  • Could you run me over to the store?
  • Please run this report upstairs to directors office
  • The horse will run the Preakness next year
  • Im not ready to run a marathon
  • The horse ran a great race
  • Whenever things get tough, she cuts and runs
  • When hes broke, he runs to me for money
  • run a red light or stop sign; run a blockade
  • The river runs through the forest
  • Theres blood running down your leg
  • Theres a strange story running around the neighborhood
  • The flu is running through my daughters kindergarten
  • Your nose is running
  • Why is the hose still running?
  • My cup runneth over
  • Youll have to run the water a while before it gets hot
  • He discovered during washing that the red rug ran on his white sheet, staining it pink
  • to run bullets
  • My uncle ran a corner store for forty years
  • She runs the fundraising
  • My parents think they run my life
  • He is running the candidates expensive campaign
  • I have decided to run for governor of California
  • Were trying to find somebody to run against him next year
  • He ran his best horse in the Derby
  • The Green Party is running twenty candidates in this election
  • to run through life; to run in a circle
  • The story will run on the 6-oclock news
  • The latest Robin Williams movie is running at the Silver City theatre
  • Her picture ran on the front page of the newspaper
  • run a story; run an ad
  • to run guns; to run rum
  • Looks like were gonna have to run the tomatoes again
  • The border runs for 3000 miles
  • The leash runs along a wire
  • The grain of the wood runs to the right on this table
  • It ran in quality from excellent to substandard
  • The sale will run for ten days
  • The contract runs through 2008
  • The meeting ran late
  • The book runs 655 pages
  • The speech runs as follows: …
  • I need to run this wire along the wall
  • My car stopped running
  • That computer runs twenty-four hours a day
  • Buses dont run here on Sunday
  • Its full. You can run the dishwasher now
  • Dont run the engine so fast
  • They ran twenty blood tests on me and they still dont know whats wrong
  • Our coach had us running plays for the whole practice
  • I will run the sample
  • Dont run that software unless you have permission
  • My computer is too old to run the new OS
  • to run from one subject to another
  • Our supplies are running low
  • They frequently overspent and soon ran into debt
  • Buying a new laptop will run you a thousand dollars
  • Laptops run about a thousand dollars apiece
  • My stocking is running
  • to run a sword into or through the body; to run a nail into ones foot
  • to run a line
  • to run the risk of losing ones life
  • Every three or four hands he would run the table
  • Boys and girls run up rapidly
  • Certain covenants run with the land
  • I just got back from my morning run.
  • I need to make a run to the store.
  • Lets go for a run in the car.
  • The bus on the Cherry Street run is always crowded.
  • Which run did you do today?
  • a good run; a run of fifty miles
  • a run to China
  • The data got lost, so Ill have to perform another run of the experiment.
  • This mornings run of the SHIPS statistical model gave Hurricane Priscilla a 74% chance of gaining at least 30 knots of intensity in 24 hours, reconfirmed by the HMON and GFS dynamical models.
  • This was my first successful run without losing any health.
  • He can have the run of the house.
  • He set up a rabbit run.
  • I’m having a run of bad luck.
  • He went to Las Vegas and spent all his money over a three-day run.
  • Yesterday we did a run of 12,000 units.
  • The book’s initial press run will be 5,000 copies.
  • The run of the show lasted two weeks, and we sold out every night.
  • It is the last week of our French cinema run.
  • The constant run of water from the faucet annoys me.
  • a run of must in wine-making
  • the first run of sap in a maple orchard
  • The military campaign near that creek was known as "The battle of Bull Run".
  • He broke into a run.
  • Financial insecurity led to a run on the banks, as customers feared for the security of their savings.
  • There was a run on Christmas presents.
  • He stood out from the usual run of applicants.
  • I have a run in my stocking.
  • Put some run butter on the vegetables.
  • run brandy

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